Tuesday, February 24, 2015


One of the most exciting part of the discussion is how to make a "3D Anaglyph" in Photoshop. My professor teach us the instructions in basic 3D using the channel "red". The most laborious part in making 3D anaglyph is creating "Depth of Map"(an image or image channel that contains information relating to the distance of the surfaces of scene objects from a viewpoint.) with various shades like white, gray, and black. When we done to make this, it is easy to create an amazing 3D.
In the picture below, this the example of depth of map that I create:

It is use this depth as displacement map. Select the image that you made depth, then displace the red channel and the green channel. (filter+ distort+ displace+ Depth of map (psd) ) then edit the horizontal scale to -2 (for red channel only) and 2 (for green channel only) and the vertical scale to 0. Displacement Map: Stretch to fit. Undefined Areas: Wrap Around.

Use your 3D glasses (cyan and red) to see the reality of the image.

My 3D Anaglyph that I create: 

"The Rape of the Sabine Women" (Baroque Sculpture)

"Tekken Tag Tournament 2" (characters)

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